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WeChat Chatbot ​

Overview ​

This code implements a WeChat chatbot that interacts with WeChat using the itchat library and generates replies using OpenAI's GPT-3.5-turbo model. The bot can receive text messages and process them accordingly.

Main Features ​

  1. Message Handling: Receives text messages from WeChat and generates replies using the GPT-3.5-turbo model.
  2. QR Code Login: Generates a QR code for users to scan and log in to WeChat.
  3. Error Handling: Captures and logs exceptions during message processing.

Code Structure ​

1. Import Necessary Libraries ​

import time
import chat_message
import itchat
import pne
from itchat.content import TEXT
from import Message
from promptulate.utils import logger
  • time: Used to control the program's runtime.
  • chat_message: A custom module for handling chat messages.
  • itchat: Used for interacting with WeChat.
  • pne: Used to call OpenAI's chat interface.
  • logger: Used for logging.

2. Message Handling Function ​

def handler_single_msg(msg: Message):
  • This function is registered as a message handler, receiving text messages and calling the handle method of the MessageHandler class for processing.

3. QR Code Callback Function ​

def qrCallback(uuid, status, qrcode):
  • This function is called after the QR code is generated, providing multiple QR code links for the user to scan and log in.

4. Startup Function ​

def startup():
  • This function initializes itchat, logs in to WeChat, and starts receiving messages.

5. Message Handling Class ​

class MessageHandler:
  • This class is responsible for processing received messages and generating replies using OpenAI's API.

6. Main Program Entry ​

if __name__ == "__main__":
    while True:
  • The main entry point of the program, calling the startup function and keeping the program running.

Usage Instructions ​

  1. Install Dependencies: Ensure that the itchat and pne libraries are installed. You can use the following command:

    pip install itchat pne
  2. Configure API Key: In the MessageHandler class, replace api_key with your OpenAI API key.

  3. Run the Program: Execute the file, and the program will generate a QR code for the user to scan and log in.

  4. Send Messages: After logging in, users can send text messages, and the bot will automatically reply.

Notes ​

  • Ensure a stable internet connection to access OpenAI's API.
  • Be cautious when handling sensitive information, such as protecting the API key and user data.

Released under the Apache 2.0 License.